If you raise small ruminants, you need to be aware and learn about imminent disease and parasite threats to your sheep and goats as well as those conditions that may affect you and your family by attending the following workshop.
Integrated Approach for Managing Diseases and Parasites in Small Ruminants - Hands-on Training for Farmers and Professionals will be held 8 AM to 4:30 PM, October 28, at Tuskegee University in Tuskegee, Ala. More information is available at
http://drkarkiu.blogspot.The extended preregistration deadline for the discounted rate ($25) to participate in this event is October 21.
Online Registration is available at: http://www.tuske
"If you are unable to pay the registration fee, but need to participate in the event, please contact me for a possible scholarship," said event organizer Uma Karki, PhD, PAS
Associate Professor/State Extension Livestock Specialist, Tuskegee University. She can be contacted at 334-727-8336 or karkiu@mytu.tuskegee.edu.