Monday, September 16, 2013

Mid-Missouri browsing academy Oct. 7-8

The Mid-Missouri Browsing Academy will be held Oct. 7-8 at Lincoln University’s Alan T. Busby Farm in Jefferson City, Mo.

This is a  detailed, educational, hands-on, two-day seminar featuring: Mark Kennedy, USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) State Grazing Lands Specialist; Dr. An Peischel, Tennessee State University Extension; and Dr. Dusty Walter, University of Missouri, Director of Natural Resources Management.

This workshop is based on the California and Tennessee browsing academies. A number of topics will be covered including low stress livestock handling, brush ecology and management, nutrition, reproduction, herd health, timber management, fencing and business management.

Attendees will receive hands-on training and gain advanced information on land enhancement using goats to control invasive vegetation.

The cost for the workshop is $75 per person. Preregistration with payment is required. Registration is limited to the first 20 participants. The registration fee covers the cost of many items that will be provided such as: meals, a flash drive containing a “Small Ruminant Toolbox,” a goat management wheel, Famacha© training and card, and a noteboook that contains numerous reference materials.

The registration deadline is Tuesday, Oct. 1. No walk-in registration. For more information or scholarships, contact: Vonna Kesel at 573-681-5312 or e-mail KeselV@LincolnU.ed

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